About Me

Jeff provides comprehensive legal representation to business owners, real estate investors and individuals.

Jeffrey Moscot has over 20 years of experience sharing his legal knowledge with small and mid sized business owners in Ventura County and throughout Southern California

His law practice focuses on strategic transactional services on business, corporate, commercial & residential real estate issues. For personal matters, he also provides foundational estate planning advice and services.

Jeffrey Moscot, J.D. MBA

  • jeff@conejovalleylaw.com
  • (805) 719-2755
  • 2945 Townsgate Rd., Ste. 200 Westlake Village, CA 91361

Jeffrey Moscot

My background is in law and business. In addition to my law degree, I have an MBA in finance and accounting.
Jeff Moscot

Providing Legal Expertise & Advisory Services in the Conejo Valley for Over Twenty Years

Small business owners, entrepreneurs and individuals rely on Jeff to assist them with their broad range of legal needs.

If you are looking for a Ventura County attorney to handle a small business, real estate or estate planning issue, contact the Conejo Valley Law Group today.

1 +
Years of Practice
42 +
Businesses Created
1 +
Transactions Closed
420 +
People Helped

More About Me

Ventura County attorney Jeffrey Moscot grew up in the Los Angeles area and has lived and worked in the Conejo Valley since 2000. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Tulane University in 1991 with a major in political economy. He graduated cum laude from Tulane Law School in 1994 and attained his Master’s in Business Administration with a focus on finance and accounting from the Tulane School of Business in 1997. After graduating from business school, Jeff worked briefly at Arthur Andersen where he practiced general business law and tax law.

Since 1999, Jeff owned and operated a commercial real estate business in Ventura County and Los Angeles County. He founded the Conejo Valley Law Group, PC to utilize his business, real estate and legal experience to provide comprehensive legal and business counsel to individuals, entrepreneurs and businesses on a wide array of business and legal issues.

An experienced businessman and attorney, Jeff is driven to help his clients succeed in their business and personal endeavors. He helps clients build a strong business and personalized legal foundation empowering them to achieve long-term success in both their lives and their businesses. As a sole practitioner, Jeff’s clients can always be confident that he is there for them and only concerned with their best interests. He takes pride in delivering customized service tailored to meet the needs of each client. His client’s legal matters are always handled from beginning to end personally, and are never ‘handed off’ to paralegals or inexperienced associates.

Personal Life

When he is not working, Jeff enjoys spending time with his wife, Sandra, traveling and exploring all that Ventura County has to offer. Their three sons Matthew, Andrew & Ryan currently attend Columbia University, University of Colorado, & University of Oregon. Jeff served on the board of the Thousand Oaks Little League, and has been an active member of the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) and the Conejo Valley United Soccer Club. On weekends, he enjoys watching football and cheering on the New Orleans Saints, University of Colorado Buffaloes and University of Oregon Ducks.  Jeff and Sandra are also avid indoor cyclists and cross-training enthusiasts.  

Firm Mission

Multi-disciplined approach to complex challenges and simple legal or business issues.

Jeff's Values

Providing guidance and innovative solutions to accomplish client goals.
Working Together

Ready to Get Started?

Schedule an initial consultation with Jeff. Discuss & evaluate your legal goals with a licensed professional.


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