Jeffrey Moscot

Dedicated to outstanding legal service, tailored to each client.

Corporate Law.
Real Estate Law.
Estate Planning.
Business Consulting.

Providing Legal Expertise & Advisory Services in the Conejo Valley for Over Twenty Years

Conejo Valley Law Group, Jeffrey Moscot

How I Can Help

Business owners and real estate investors rely upon Jeff’s vast experience, expertise & education to strategize and manage their legal and business needs. Jeff has lived, worked and been actively involved in the community in the Conejo Valley since 1999 and, throughout that time has owned and managed his law firm, along with independent commercial real estate and investment businesses

Real Estate Law

Purchases, Sales, Financing, Partnerships, JVs, Contract Review, 1031s & more

Corporate Law

Business Formation, Conversion, Dissolution. "Buy/Sell" Agreements, Contracts & more

Estate Planning

Individual Living Trusts, Family Partnerships, Foundational Estate Planning & more
Conejo Valley Law Group Logo
Working Together

Ready to Get Started?

Schedule an initial consultation with Jeff. Discuss & evaluate your legal goals with a licensed professional.
Jeffrey Moscot
Conejo Valley Law Group
Serving the community since 1999.

Jeff combines his first-hand experience in real estate and business ownership with his background in law to provide comprehensive legal representation to both individuals and small business owners.

Firm Mission

Multi-disciplined approach to complex challenges and simple legal or business issues.

Jeff's Values

Providing guidance and innovative solutions to accomplish client goals.
Legal Services
Corporate Law.
Real Estate Law.
Estate Planning.
Small business owners, entrepreneurs and individuals rely on Jeff to assist them with their broad range of legal needs. His experience and education in a variety of areas of both law and business allow him to provide quality legal and personalized advice for numerous issues often faced by business owners and individuals.

What Clients Have to Say

It’s important to share feedback from valued clients.  It is my privilege to assist in your important legal matters.


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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)